ellivo (Studio Journal)

06.12.2022 (Ellivo TALKS)

ep 02. Leaving your ego at the door

“The other aspect I think of a successful
company is trying to leave your ego at the door…
to be able to bring the best from others is,
I think, the basis of our success.”

Scott Whiteoak (Co-Founder)

A turning point in our story was when Scott and Mason started looking more at the legacy of Ellivo, and bringing others along for the journey. It became less about the individuals at the top, and more about the strength of our collective knowledge. Since then, it is the diversity of opinion in our leadership team that has allowed us to flourish.

25 years after co-founding Ellivo,  Scott Whiteoak has stepped down from his role as a Director and is continuing his involvement as a Consultant, focused on mentoring members of the design studio and ensuring a smooth transition of Ellivo’s leadership.

In addition to growing the business from its early days, Scott has been involved in implementing a range of initiatives focused on improving Ellivo’s professional design capability and supporting accelerated staff career development.

Some of these initiatives include the early adoption of intelligent 3D design software, a structured approach to career development and mentoring, a comprehensive focused rolling business plan, and succession planning aiming to make himself largely superfluous to Ellivo’s day-to-day operations.


“To be a great company you have to retain great staff and give them opportunity. We had to change our approach to be more collaborative and [to] bring everyone along on the journey of opportunity for their destiny.”

Scott Whiteoak (Co-Founder)


Scott will continue his support of Ellivo in a less hands-on role, undertaking more overseas travel and property renovations while still assisting with the growth of the company he co-established back in 1997.

Ellivo would not be the company it is today without Scott’s passion for honest connections with people, and the ability to always zoom out and see the big picture .  We congratulate him on his achievements and the enviable legacy that he has built.

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